Thursday, May 31, 2007


Finally! After countless days of waiting!

No, its not the Second Coming, but its close, I've finally landed a project. It's in Chennai. For people familiar with Satyam, my circle is HCU-CES, sub circle SCM and the client I'm working for is a major chocolate and confectionary company. Sounds great doesn't it? But then, I'm doing shift timings, I'm on the night shift right now, and Chennai is more humid than a bluewhale's armpit. And no, we don't get free chocolates, so don't ask. And even if we did, what makes you think I'd give them to you? :)

I've been in Chennai for around 3 weeks now I think (Yes! I think!). The first two weeks were the most comfortable. The company pays for accomodation for two weeks, so I stayed at a hotel. A/C room, cable TV, a nice bed, fluffy pillows, enough to satisfy a simple soul like me. But then, after two weeks, I was brutally kicked out onto the street with all 5 pieces of my absolutely uncarriable luggage. That's when I realized that maybe, instead of having spent the weekends snuggling under the blankets with the A/C on high, I should have been looking for a place to stay. Anyway, as luck would have it, I found out that a couple of my college mates stay at Velacheri, which is rather close to my office at Perungudi. And so I barged into their home, and have taken over the best spot to sleep in, right under the fan. But all wounds take time to heal, and it'll be some time before I forget the comfort of that A/C room. In fact, there are nights when I silently weep when I remember how happy I was there, and how there were times when I felt too cold and turned the A/C off. Right now I sleep on the floor, with as minimal clothing as possible and right under the slow and loudly complaining fan. And I still wake up from nightmares where I wander lonely as a wisp of water vapour through the polluted skies of Chennai, having completely evaporated as I slept. No, there are no daffodils here to chance upon, just open stinking sewage canals which are the arteries of any big city, and the polluted dusty air, which is the fragrance of civilization.

Chennai is a huge city. And following some unwritten law of nature, which says "Kick him when he's down", most of the distances you'll have to travel will be too short for an auto and too big to walk. And then of course, there's the blistering heat, and the persistent humidity that follows you around like a fly following a piece of dead meat, if dead meat could walk around, which we all know doesnt happen, right? Wrong! There is dead meat that walks around. What else explains the phenomenon called Adnan Sami? Hehehe, just kidding, I actually love his songs. Well, he's not in Chennai, so there won't be any flies harassing him anyway, so the question does not arise.

I think my brain is completely wired after a sleepless night which I spent drinking some strange brown liquid that comes out of the coffee machine when I press the button labelled "Coffee", but which doesnt taste like any coffee I've drunk before. Today was my first day on the night shift. Yes, an oxymoron, get it? first DAY on the NIGHT shift? Har har...Well, thats better than any other kind I always say...atleast its an OXY-moron. If it was a Carbon MonOxy-moron, then it would have contributed to global warming and the melting of the ice caps and we would have had to ban it.

Man, I really need to get some sleep. I think I'll be blogging a lot more constantly from now on. I mean, here I am, sitting jobless and not able to sleep because my company has knowingly provided semi-intelligent chairs that give you a crick in the back as soon as you doze off, what else is a guy supposed to do? So blog it is.

Hopefully, the next post, which I shall write tomorrow, will make slightly more sense, but I wouldn't count on it. No, I havn't smoked anything illegal, its the coffee here, I tell you.


Angel said...

Just happened to check your blog to see if you indeed stayed true to your blog rebirth :D

And how I loved reading all the nonsense (oxy and monoxy-morons included). It made me feel less weirder :)

Enjoy the night shift and may Chennai be kind to you! :)

Jyotika Prasad said... when did you discover how humid a blue whale's armpit is?

Amit said...

Angel: I made you feel less weirder? well, we're the loony hatch buddies aren't we, we're supposed to be loonier than one another.. :)

Jyotika: Have you heard the story of Johah and the Whale from the Bible? It goes like this..A long long time ago, God appeared to Jonah and told him that he must go to Ninevah to ask the people to repent of their sins. Since this would be an official trip, Jonah was allowed to bill his expenses to the company. The company also paid him for travel by executive jet..which in those days consisted of a window seat inside the tummy of a blue whale with the flag of Israel painted on its flippers. Where were we? oh yes, blue whale's armpits..yeah, so this blue whale had armpits too. And after the Blue Whale vomited Jonah onto the beach and loudly complained about the lack of hygiene on the part of ancient man, Jonah said.."Forsooth, thy armpits are verily verily humid, Mr. Blue Whale, as humid, nay, much more humid than yonder heathen city Chennai. Thou must indeed be one of the wonders of the natural world. Zoicks." and Jonah lived happily ever after while the blue whale suffered from indigestion for the rest of its life. As for Ninevah, who cares.. I hope that answers your question ;-)